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Rabu, 16 Desember 2009

Yui new single "Gloria"

YUIs new single: GLORIA

With her new single, YUI encouragingly pushes the back of aspiring high school students

YUI's first single of the year 2010, 「GLORIA」 has been confirmed to be released on 20th January.

The title song will be aired as Benesse Corporation's 「Shinkenzemi Highschool Correspondence Course」's CM song starting January next year. Facing towards the future, high school students from around the country have been sending in their 「Attack Pledge」. And with these pledges in mind, YUI have started to create a 'cheering song' with an encouraging melody.

Her single 「It's all too much / Never say die」 which was released October this year, have also helped her become only the 3rd female singer-songwriter to have 3 consecutive No.1 single on the Oricon chart after Matsutouya Yumi and Utada Hikaru.

YUI Comment
Youthful days, I think it's really a time where people are inspired to do various kinds of things. And so, 「The way you live your life at that time, it really has the ability to change your whole life」. "Could everyone empathize with this feeling too?" I wondered (while creating this song).

Students that are preparing for exams, or even those involved in sports, those thinking "Now is the time to work hard!", I want all of them to listen to this song!

2010 will be the 5th year anniversary since YUI's debut. From just that, we can expect a more vigorous development/activities throughout the next year from her.

Source: Natalie
(Translated by Fujii_Itsuki)
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